Wednesday, December 19, 2018

This is Why You Should Quit Facebook

RBC disputes report that it had access to users' Facebook messages


1 comment:

  1. Better yet would have been never to join Facebook or Twitter to begin with. I spent some time ruminating over this back in 2010 and could see the data shitstorm and mouth breathers coming after having spent time on forums for my hobby. I'm not remarkably prescient in my opinion, but obviously the average citizen is far less so. The squawking after the horse bolted through the open gate just makes me laugh.

    And I comment anonymously, so as to use Google minimally, using DuckDuckGo as my search engine - no cookies, no tracking. So far.

    I trust no corporation or bank or government to look after my interests - you have to look out for yourself these days. So whether RBC read Facebook messages matters to me not one whit.

    Yeah, life of the party, I know.

