Sunday, September 15, 2024

These four angels have been held captive by the most evil sub-humans on Earth, Hamas, for 345 days of hell.

Agam Berger (20) 🎗️ Liri Elbag (19) 🎗️ Daniela Gilboa (20) 🎗️ Karina Ariev (20) 🎗️

Saturday, September 14, 2024



May we never forget 🕯️

Rut Perez who suffered from Muscular Dystrophy was slaughtered by Hamas along with her father Eric Perez. A father taking his disabled daughter to a music festival that was focused on peace. Hamas butchered them. How does that "free Palestine"? There is no way I will ever let those who called October 7th a “resistance movement” forget what they are cheering on. Pure evil. May their memory forever be a blessing 🕯️🕯️


The Siman-Tov children were burned alive with their parents, Johnny and Tamar, by Hamas on October 7th. These are 6-year-old twin girls Shahar and Arbel with their little 2-year-old brother Omer. Just in case you forgot why Israel is fighting this war. “They’re here. They’re burning us” the father Johnny text his sister. May their memories, along with parents Johnny and Tamar be a blessing.

Never Forget


This is the Kapishter Family. They were on their way home from a camping holiday for Ethan’s 5th birthday on October 7th. Hamas slaughtered them. 5 year old Ethan was Shot in the Head on his birthday. Authorities found the 3 bodies together. They buried them together. But the 8 year old girl Aline’s body was found days later in a different location. Why? The horror she would have felt taken away from her family. May their memories all be blessings. Dina, Evgeny, Ethan and Aline. We must never forget.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

"Today it is already known for sure that we receive the bodies of tortured prisoners of war (during the exchange of bodies). We receive not only tortured bodies, but bodies that, unfortunately, are without organs. This confirms the fact that the black market for organ transplantation in the Russian Federation is working. And, unfortunately, it is working with our prisoners of war. Therefore, I believe that this must be said to the whole world in order to stop this crime," said the wife of one of the prisoners of war, a defender of the Mariupol garrison.

"I would also like to ask Turkey, as the patron country in resolving all humanitarian issues related to the exchange of prisoners of war, to speak out," added the wife of the prisoner of war. She stressed that Russia refuses to return and include the prisoners of war of the Mariupol garrison on the exchange lists.

"This is a real pain that motivates us to work faster and stimulate our international partners to take certain actions. One of the main demands is to create an international medical commission that would investigate the conditions of our prisoners of war and help them fight health problems... And this is one of the messages that was conveyed to the Turkish side," Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey Vasyl Bodnar stated.

While in Ankara, representatives of the families of prisoners of war of Mariupol met with Chief Advisor to the President of Turkey Yalçın Topçu and Chief Ombudsman of Turkey Åžeref Malkoç. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

McGill encampment to host anti-Israel 'revolutionary youth summer program'


'We pledge to education the youth of Montreal,' notes an Instagram post promoting the program, accompanied by an image of men wearing keffiyehs and clutching machine-guns

Saturday, June 15, 2024

A fresh glimpse at the Hamas rapists the left holds up as heroes


If there is a shard of decency left in this world, let it be for the Israeli women still undergoing unimaginable horrors

National Post

We know that these women were taken as “sabaya” — a term referring to sex slaves in fundamentalist Islam — regarded as a just and honourable entitlement for warriors. ISIS took thousands of Yezidi girls and women as objects. Some were sold into “marriage.” Some were literally raped to death — particularly young girls. And many were turned into sex slaves — to be used however the ISIS “men” desired.

No one in the world ever questioned the veracity of the Yezidi horror. ISIS boasted about it. It was a fact.

Within moments of the release of the horrifying video — showing the Israeli women beaten, bloodied, bound — social media was flooded with people denying that they were taken as “sex slaves.”

Intelligence gleaned from hostages released in November 2023, and evidence obtained from captured Hamas terrorists, confirms that these women are being used as rape machines. They have been prostituted. Gang raped. Dressed up in ridiculous costumes. And much, much worse.

In addition to their barbaric imprisonment, their families are so desperate to see that they are released due to well-founded concerns that several of these young women (and possibly others in captivity) are pregnant and close to giving birth.